Reclaimed Woman - Meet Sara Morel

Sara Morel Reclaimed Woman wearing Retro Spectacles Christian Lacroix

Credit: Retro Spectacle

We're delighted to talk to Sara Morel, a writer, publicist, stylist and all round reclamation hero. Sara has over ten years experience in fashion working for brands such as Gucci.

Sara established her London-based consultancy in 2017 to showcase brands with a conscience and help people find ethical fashion and home fashions. Please enjoy reading our short interview with Sara and please check out the links to her website Reclaimed Woman and her instagram page.


What was the main driver/s for you to transition from working with large global brands and becoming a Reclamation evangelist?

Renovating my flat with reclaimed materials gave me a taste for a different existence and sourcing responsibly for my home, I quickly connected the dots that this planet is our only home. The paradox between environmental awareness and fashion plays out in my daily life. I still struggle, but now my work is about helping people to dress themselves and their homes for the world they want. 

What are the top three things we could all do to inform people of the benefits of using products that have already been manufactured and can last a lifetime?

At Salvo we have a campaign that the future of use is reuse. Seeing is believing so I think by wearing, designing or building with old products that are already out there and by putting them to good, sometimes new use we can make them relevant for people today and for our future.


If you had to pick vintage frames, one for indoor and one for the sunny outdoors which current Retro Spectacle frames catch your eye (no pun intended) and why?

My eyes are drawn to Tura 50s frames because face jewellery is especially important right now with all of the video calls and these Lacroix sunglasses are hot. 

Do you think about your face shape and skin tone when choosing eyewear?

I remember doing a Sugar magazine quiz when I was a kid to determine my face shape, but honestly I haven't thought much about it since! I don't limit myself to certain shapes. I do however really look at the colour of the frames and I know that for example my skin and hair usually suits warmer tones. Although it's taken many years wearing glasses to figure that out. 

Sara Morel Reclaimed Woman wearing Retro Spectacles Christian Dior

Credit: Retro Spectacle

Jazzing up the Gents! We have quite a few repeat gentleman customers who can see the benefit and uniqueness of vintage eyewear with very masculine Brands such as Dunhill. What advice would you give the gent who hasn't yet ventured into sustainable fashion accessories but is considering?

I think it's particularly important to look for good quality accessories. They usually provide some sort of function and work a bit harder than your clothing, and above all other fashion items, I think accessories have the most transformative power to completely change, make or break your outfit or your mood. Of course it's not a given that slow, sustainable and vintage fashion will always be better quality, but it's a pretty safe bet. For me Dunhill is timeless masculine elegance. 

We love the photo of your Mum wearing glasses in the 80's. Please sum it up in 2 words!

My inspiration  

What are the three things you can't live without?

My glasses, a bath tub and the Internet. Although I try not to mix the three. 



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